'use strict';
/* eslint-disable security/detect-object-injection */
/* eslint-disable security/detect-non-literal-require */
* Module dependencies, required for ALL Twyr' modules
* @ignore
* Module dependencies, required for this module
* @ignore
const TwyrBaseService = require('twyr-base-service').TwyrBaseService;
const TwyrSrvcError = require('twyr-service-error').TwyrServiceError;
const ConfigurationServiceLoader = require('./loader').loader;
* @class ConfigurationService
* @extends {TwyrBaseService}
* @classdesc The Twyr Web Application Server Configuration Service.
* @description
* Serves as the "single source of truth" for configuration related operations across the rest of the codebase.
class ConfigurationService extends TwyrBaseService {
// #region Constructor
constructor(parent, loader) {
super(parent, null);
loader = new ConfigurationServiceLoader(this);
this.$loader = loader;
// #endregion
// #region Lifecycle hooks
* @async
* @function
* @override
* @instance
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name load
* @param {ConfigurationService} configSrvc - Instance of the {@link ConfigurationService} that supplies configuration.
* @returns {Object} - The aggregated status returned by sub-modules (if any) once they complete their loading.
* @summary Loads sub-modules, if any.
async load(configSrvc) {
try {
const path = require('path');
this.$config = require(path.join(path.dirname(path.dirname(require.main.filename)), `config/${twyrEnv}/server/services/configuration_service`)).config;
this.on('new-config', this._processConfigChange.bind(this));
this.on('update-config', this._processConfigChange.bind(this));
this.on('delete-config', this._processConfigChange.bind(this));
this.on('update-state', this._processStateChange.bind(this));
const status = await super.load(configSrvc);
if(!this.$prioritizedSubServices) {
this.$prioritizedSubServices = [].concat(Object.keys(this.$services));
this.$prioritizedSubServices.forEach((prioritizedService) => {
this.$config.priorities[prioritizedService] = this.$config.priorities[prioritizedService] || 0;
this.$prioritizedSubServices.sort((left, right) => {
return this.$config.priorities[left] - this.$config.priorities[right];
return status;
catch(err) {
throw new TwyrSrvcError(`${this.name}::load error`, err);
// #endregion
// #region API
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name loadConfiguration
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} twyrModule - Instance of the {@link TwyrBaseModule} that requires configuration.
* @returns {Object} - The merged configurations returned by sub-modules.
* @summary Retrieves the configuration of the twyrModule requesting for it.
async loadConfiguration(twyrModule) {
const deepmerge = require('deepmerge');
const emptyTarget = value => Array.isArray(value) ? [] : {};
const clone = (value, options) => deepmerge(emptyTarget(value), value, options);
const oldArrayMerge = (target, source, options) => {
const destination = target.slice();
source.forEach(function(e, i) {
if(typeof destination[i] === 'undefined') {
const cloneRequested = options.clone !== false;
const shouldClone = cloneRequested && options.isMergeableObject(e);
destination[i] = shouldClone ? clone(e, options) : e;
else if(options.isMergeableObject(e)) {
destination[i] = deepmerge(target[i], e, options);
else if(target.indexOf(e) === -1) {
return destination;
try {
const loadedConfigs = [];
for(const subService of this.$prioritizedSubServices) {
const twyrModuleConfig = await this.$services[subService].loadConfiguration(twyrModule);
let mergedConfig = {};
loadedConfigs.forEach((loadedConfig) => {
if(!loadedConfig) return;
mergedConfig = deepmerge(mergedConfig, loadedConfig, {
'arrayMerge': oldArrayMerge
await this.saveConfiguration(twyrModule, mergedConfig);
const enabled = await this.getModuleState(twyrModule);
return { 'configuration': mergedConfig, 'state': enabled };
catch(err) {
throw new TwyrSrvcError(`${this.name}::loadConfiguration::${twyrModule.name} error`, err);
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name saveConfiguration
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} twyrModule - Instance of the {@link TwyrBaseModule} that requires configuration.
* @param {Object} config - The {@link TwyrBaseModule}'s' configuration that should be persisted.
* @returns {Object} - The twyrModule configuration.
* @summary Saves the configuration of the twyrModule requesting for it.
async saveConfiguration(twyrModule, config) {
try {
const subServiceNames = Object.keys(this.$services);
// eslint-disable-next-line curly
for(const subServiceName of subServiceNames) {
await this.$services[subServiceName].saveConfiguration(twyrModule, config);
return config;
catch(err) {
throw new TwyrSrvcError(`${this.name}::saveConfiguration::${twyrModule.name} error`, err);
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name getModuleState
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} twyrModule - Instance of the {@link TwyrBaseModule} that requires its state.
* @returns {Object} - The merged states returned by sub-modules.
* @summary Retrieves the state of the twyrModule requesting for it.
async getModuleState(twyrModule) {
try {
const subServiceNames = Object.keys(this.$services);
const moduleStates = [];
for(const subServiceName of subServiceNames) {
const twyrModuleState = await this.$services[subServiceName].getModuleState(twyrModule);
let moduleState = true;
moduleStates.forEach((state) => {
moduleState = moduleState && !!state;
return moduleState;
catch(err) {
throw new TwyrSrvcError(`${this.name}::getModuleState::${twyrModule.name} error`, err);
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name setModuleState
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} twyrModule - Instance of the {@link TwyrBaseModule} that requires its state.
* @param {boolean} enabled - State of the module.
* @returns {Object} - The state of the twyrModule.
* @summary Saves the state of the twyrModule requesting for it.
async setModuleState(twyrModule, enabled) {
try {
const subServiceNames = Object.keys(this.$services);
const moduleStates = [];
for(const subServiceName of subServiceNames) {
const twyrModuleState = await this.$services[subServiceName].setModuleState(twyrModule, enabled);
let moduleState = true;
moduleStates.forEach((state) => {
moduleState = moduleState && !!state;
return moduleState;
catch(err) {
throw new TwyrSrvcError(`${this.name}::setModuleState::${twyrModule.name} error`, err);
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name getModuleId
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} twyrModule - Instance of the {@link TwyrBaseModule} that requires its id.
* @returns {Object} - The id of the twyrModule.
* @summary Retrieves the id of the twyrModule requesting for it.
async getModuleId(twyrModule) {
try {
const subServiceNames = Object.keys(this.$services);
const moduleIds = [];
for(const subServiceName of subServiceNames) {
const twyrModuleId = await this.$services[subServiceName].getModuleId(twyrModule);
if(twyrModuleId) moduleIds.push(twyrModuleId);
let moduleId = null;
moduleIds.forEach((twyrModuleId) => {
moduleId = twyrModuleId;
return moduleId;
catch(err) {
throw new TwyrSrvcError(`${this.name}::getModuleId::${twyrModule.name} error`, err);
// #endregion
// #region Private Methods
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @private
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name _processConfigChange
* @param {TwyrBaseService} eventFirerModule - The sub-configuration service that detected the config change.
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} configUpdateModule - The twyrModule for which the configuration changed.
* @param {Object} config - The updated configuration.
* @returns {null} - Nothing.
* @summary Syncs the configuration across all the configuration sources, and then tells the twyrModule to reconfigure itself.
_processConfigChange(eventFirerModule, configUpdateModule, config) {
try {
Object.keys(this.$services).forEach((subService) => {
if(subService === eventFirerModule)
this.$services[subService]._processConfigChange(configUpdateModule, config);
const currentModule = this._getModuleFromPath(configUpdateModule);
if(currentModule) currentModule._reconfigure(config);
catch(err) {
console.error(`${this.name}::_processConfigChange error: ${err.message}\n${err.stack}`);
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @private
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name _processStateChange
* @param {TwyrBaseService} eventFirerModule - The sub-configuration service that detected the state change.
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} stateUpdateModule - The twyrModule for which the state changed.
* @param {boolean} state - The updated state of the twyrModule.
* @returns {null} - Nothing.
* @summary Syncs the state across all the configuration sources, and then tells the twyrModule to change its own state.
_processStateChange(eventFirerModule, stateUpdateModule, state) {
try {
Object.keys(this.$services).forEach((subService) => {
if(subService === eventFirerModule)
this.$services[subService]._processStateChange(stateUpdateModule, state);
const currentModule = this._getModuleFromPath(stateUpdateModule);
if(currentModule) currentModule._changeState(state);
catch(err) {
console.error(`${this.name}::_processStateChange error: ${err.message}\n${err.stack}`);
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @private
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name _getModuleFromPath
* @param {string} pathFromRoot - The loaded path (from the application class) of the module.
* @returns {TwyrBaseModule} - The module at the given path.
* @summary Given a path relative to the Application Class instance, retrieves the loaded twyrModule object.
_getModuleFromPath(pathFromRoot) {
try {
const inflection = require('inflection');
const path = require('path');
let currentModule = this.$parent,
pathSegments = null;
while(currentModule.$parent) currentModule = currentModule.$parent;
pathSegments = pathFromRoot.split(path.sep);
while(pathSegments.length) {
let pathSegment = pathSegments.shift();
if((pathSegment === 'server') || !currentModule)
let nextModule = currentModule[`${inflection.camelize(pathSegment)}`] || currentModule[`$${pathSegment}`] || currentModule[`${pathSegment}`];
if(nextModule) {
currentModule = nextModule;
while(pathSegments.length) {
pathSegment = `${pathSegment}_${pathSegments.shift()}`;
nextModule = currentModule[`${inflection.camelize(pathSegment)}`] || currentModule[`$${pathSegment}`] || currentModule[`${pathSegment}`];
if(nextModule) {
currentModule = nextModule;
return currentModule;
catch(err) {
console.error(`${this.name}::_getModuleFromPath error: ${err.message}\n${err.stack}`);
return null;
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @private
* @memberof ConfigurationService
* @name _getPathForModule
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} twyrModule - The module for which to generate the path.
* @returns {string} - The path of the module, relative to the Application Class.
* @summary Given a loaded twyrModule object, return the path relative to the Application Class instance.
_getPathForModule(twyrModule) {
try {
if(!twyrModule.$parent) return 'server';
const inflection = require('inflection');
const path = require('path');
let currentModule = twyrModule;
const pathSegments = [];
while(currentModule.$parent) {
const modulePrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(currentModule)).name;
const parentModule = currentModule.$parent;
const twyrModuleType = `${modulePrototype.replace('TwyrBase', '').toLowerCase()}s`;
currentModule = parentModule;
if(currentModule && currentModule.$parent) pathSegments.unshift(inflection.underscore(currentModule.name));
return pathSegments.join(path.sep);
catch(err) {
console.error(`${this.name}::_getPathForModule error: ${err.message}\n${err.stack}`);
return null;
// #endregion
// #region Properties
* @override
get Interface() {
return {
'loadConfiguration': this.loadConfiguration.bind(this),
'saveConfiguration': this.loadConfiguration.bind(this),
'getModuleState': this.getModuleState.bind(this),
'setModuleState': this.setModuleState.bind(this),
'getModuleID': this.getModuleId.bind(this)
* @override
get basePath() {
return __dirname;
// #endregion
exports.service = ConfigurationService;