/* eslint-disable security/detect-object-injection */
'use strict';
* Module dependencies, required for ALL Twyr modules
* @ignore
* Module dependencies, required for this module
* @ignore
const TwyrBaseModule = require('./twyr-base-module').TwyrBaseModule;
const TwyrFeatureError = require('./twyr-feature-error').TwyrFeatureError;
* @class TwyrBaseFeature
* @extends {TwyrBaseModule}
* @classdesc The Twyr Web Application Server Base Class for all Features.
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} [parent] - The parent module, if any.
* @param {TwyrModuleLoader} [loader] - The loader to be used for managing modules' lifecycle, if any.
* @description
* Serves as the "base class" for all other features in the Twyr Web Application Server.
class TwyrBaseFeature extends TwyrBaseModule {
// #region Constructor
constructor(parent, loader) {
super(parent, null);
const TwyrFeatureLoader = require('./twyr-feature-loader').TwyrFeatureLoader;
const actualLoader = (loader instanceof TwyrFeatureLoader) ? loader : new TwyrFeatureLoader(this);
this.$loader = actualLoader;
const inflection = require('inflection');
const Router = require('koa-router');
const inflectedName = inflection.transform(this.name, ['foreign_key', 'dasherize']).replace('-id', '');
this.$router = new Router({ 'prefix': `/${inflectedName}` });
// The RBAC Koa middleware
// this.$router.use(this._doesUserHavePermission.bind(this));
// The ABAC Koa middleware
// this.$router.use(this._canUserAccessThisResource.bind(this));
// #endregion
// #region Lifecycle hooks
* @async
* @function
* @override
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name _setup
* @returns {undefined} Nothing.
* @summary Adds the Koa Router routes.
async _setup() {
try {
await super._setup();
await this._addRoutes();
return null;
catch(err) {
throw new TwyrFeatureError(`${this.name}::_setup error`, err);
* @async
* @function
* @override
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name _teardown
* @returns {undefined} Nothing.
* @summary Destroys the Koa Router routes.
async _teardown() {
try {
await this._deleteRoutes();
await super._teardown();
return null;
catch(err) {
throw new TwyrFeatureError(`${this.name}::_teardown error`, err);
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name _subModuleReconfigure
* @param {TwyrBaseModule} subModule - The sub-module that changed configuration.
* @returns {undefined} Nothing.
* @summary Lets the module know that one of its subModules changed configuration.
async _subModuleReconfigure(subModule) {
await super._subModuleReconfigure(subModule);
const subModuleType = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(subModule)).name;
if((subModuleType !== 'TwyrBaseComponent') && (subModuleType !== 'TwyrBaseFeature'))
return null;
await this._deleteRoutes();
await this._addRoutes();
await this.$parent._subModuleReconfigure(this);
return null;
// #endregion
// #region API - to be overriden by derived classes, only if required
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name getClientsideAssets
* @param {Object} ctxt - Koa context.
* @param {Object} tenantFeatures - Sub-features allowed for this Tenant.
* @returns {Object} Containing the compiled Ember.js client-side assets (specifically the route map, but could be others, as well).
* @summary Returns the route map that is used by the Ember.js Router on the browser.
async getClientsideAssets(ctxt, tenantFeatures) {
const assets = this.EmberAssets;
if(!assets) return null;
const inflection = require('inflection');
const featureNames = Object.keys(tenantFeatures || {});
const clientsideAssets = {
'RouteMap': JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(assets['RouteMap']))
for(let idx = 0; idx < featureNames.length; idx++) {
const featureName = featureNames[idx];
const feature = this.$features[featureName];
const featureClientsideAssets = await feature.getClientsideAssets(ctxt, tenantFeatures[featureName]);
if(!featureClientsideAssets) continue;
Object.keys(featureClientsideAssets).forEach((featureClientsideAssetName) => {
if(featureClientsideAssetName === 'RouteMap') {
const inflectedFeatureName = inflection.transform(featureName, ['foreign_key', 'dasherize']).replace('-id', '');
clientsideAssets['RouteMap'][inflectedFeatureName] = {
'path': `/${inflectedFeatureName}`,
'routes': featureClientsideAssets['RouteMap']
if(!clientsideAssets[featureClientsideAssetName]) clientsideAssets[featureClientsideAssetName] = [];
Object.keys(clientsideAssets).forEach((clientsideAssetName) => {
if(clientsideAssetName === 'RouteMap') return;
clientsideAssets[clientsideAssetName] = clientsideAssets[clientsideAssetName].join('\n');
return clientsideAssets;
// #endregion
// #region Protected methods - need to be overriden by derived classes
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name getDashboardDisplayDetails
* @param {Object} ctxt - Koa context.
* @returns {Object} Dashboard display stuff for this Feature.
* @summary Derived classes should return details, or null - depending on whether the user has the required permission(s).
async getDashboardDisplayDetails(ctxt) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const inflection = require('inflection');
const id = await this.$dependencies.ConfigurationService.getModuleID(this);
const inflectedFeatureName = inflection.transform(this.name, ['foreign_key', 'dasherize']).replace('-id', '');
return {
'id': id,
'type': 'dashboard/feature',
'attributes': {
'name': inflection.transform(this.name, ['tableize', 'singularize', 'titleize']),
'type': 'feature',
'route': inflectedFeatureName,
'description': this.name,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
'icon_type': 'fa', // Other choices are paper, mdi, img, custom
'icon_path': 'laptop-code'
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name _rbac
* @param {string} permission - The permission to check for.
* @returns {undefined} Koa middleware that can be injected into a route.
* @summary Derived classes should call next, or throw a {TwyrFeatureError} - depending on whether the user has the required permission(s).
_rbac(permission) {
return async function(ctxt, next) {
// console.log(`Requested Permission: ${permission},\nUser Permissions: ${JSON.stringify(ctxt.state.user.permissions, null, '\t')}`);
if(ctxt.state.user && ctxt.state.user.permissions) {
if(permission === 'registered') {
if(next) await next();
const doesUserHavePermission = ctxt.state.user.permissions.filter((userPerm) => {
return (userPerm.name === permission);
if(doesUserHavePermission) {
if(next) await next();
throw new TwyrFeatureError('User doesn\'t have the required permissions');
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name _abac
* @param {Object} ctxt - Koa context.
* @param {callback} next - Callback to pass the request on to the next route in the chain.
* @returns {undefined} Nothing.
* @summary Derived classes should call next, or throw a {TwyrFeatureError} - depending on whether the user can access this particular resource.
async _abac(ctxt, next) {
await next();
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name _addRoutes
* @returns {undefined} Nothing.
* @summary Adds routes to the Koa Router.
async _addRoutes() {
if(twyrEnv === 'development' || twyrEnv === 'test') console.log(`${this.name}::_addRoutes`);
// Add in the sub-components routes
Object.keys(this.$components || {}).forEach((componentName) => {
const componentRouter = this.$components[componentName].Router;
// Add in the sub-features routes
Object.keys(this.$features || {}).forEach((featureName) => {
const featureRouter = this.$features[featureName].Router;
return null;
* @async
* @function
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @name _deleteRoutes
* @returns {undefined} Nothing.
* @summary Removes all the routes from the Koa Router.
async _deleteRoutes() {
if(twyrEnv === 'development' || twyrEnv === 'test') console.log(`${this.name}::_deleteRoutes`);
// NOTICE: Undocumented koa-router data structure.
// Be careful upgrading :-)
if(this.$router) this.$router.stack.length = 0;
return null;
// #endregion
// #region Properties
* @member {Object} Router
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @readonly
get Router() {
return this.$router;
* @member {Object} EmberAssets
* @instance
* @memberof TwyrBaseFeature
* @readonly
get EmberAssets() {
// if(twyrEnv === 'development' || twyrEnv === 'test') console.log(`${this.name}::EmberAssets`);
return {
'RouteMap': {
'index': {
'path': '/',
'routes': {}
* @override
get dependencies() {
return ['*'].concat(super.dependencies);
* @override
get basePath() {
return __dirname;
// #endregion
exports.TwyrBaseFeature = TwyrBaseFeature;